The largest war museum in the Netherlands

In Oorlogsmuseum Overloon you can see the Second World War, the resistance, D-Day and the liberation. The museum was literally built on the battlefield in 1946. Discover all about the origins, course and consequences of the Second World War.
It was a battle so fierce and bloody that the Battle of Overloon should never be forgotten. After the fierce fighting between the Allies and the Germans in the autumn of 1944, there was a museum for the reconstruction of the village itself.
On display in War Museum Overloon
With the permanent exhibition, the museum shows how it was possible for more than fifty million people to die in addition to these soldiers during the Second World War. With more than 100 vehicles, boats and planes on more than 20,000 m2 you won't get bored easily. And that's a good thing, because freedom is not a matter of course, everyone can think about that more often!
Extraordinary: In the museum you can see a rare Enigma G. This cipher machine was used in the war by the British to decipher the encrypted messages of the Germans. This allowed them to respond to their secret strategies. The codes were changed daily, yet the British managed to crack them. According to historians, the war without Enigma would have lasted two years longer.
The Netherlands in the Second World War
This permanent exhibition tells eight stories about how the Netherlands lived in the grip of the occupying forces. This is the story of Hélène Egger, a ten-year-old Jewish girl who lived in Amsterdam and of whom almost the entire family was murdered. And the story of Corrie Holvast, an Amsterdam girl who was starving in the winter of hunger. A story about daily life in wartime is also passing by. Signed by housewife Arnolda Huizinga-Sannes. The exhibition shows how the Second World War radically changed the lives of the Dutch population.
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