All hands on deck in National Rescue Museum Dorus Rijkers
Discover what it's like to be a hero at the National Rescue Museum! Send SOS messages, brave wind force 10 in the wind tunnel and ride rough waves in the heifer simulator. How brave are you? Test it with the Hero Game.
Saving lives at sea, could you? In the National Rescue Museum Dorus Rijkers you'll brave wind force 10 in the wind tunnel, learn how to lay ship's knots and navigate rough waters in a heifer simulator. Here you will discover everything about what the heroes of the KNRM, coastguard and rescue brigade do.
Historic ships
Six historic lifeboats are moored at the jetty
infront of
the museum. These boats are used on a regular basis for sailing trips. In the museum you can see various old lifeboats, including a harbour lifeboat from the Second World War.
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